ACA Youth Cultural Summer Camp 2024 (Week 2)

The second week of ACA Youth Culture Camp was filled with exhilarating activities that kept the campers buzzing with excitement! Joined by campers from Madison Heights, the fun started with two thrilling field trips. The first adventure took them to St. Clair Metropark Waterpark, where they raced down water slides and navigated obstacle courses, creating unforgettable memories. The second trip to the ACA Chinese Community Center was equally delightful, featuring cucumber picking and endless fun on bounce houses. The youth group kick-started the week with a burst of energy, learning the song “童年” and dancing to “All In This Together” in Chinese, gearing up for the much-anticipated end-of-camp performance.

Junior 1 was abuzz with creativity, diligently working on their unique Chinese skit, a whimsical blend of Shrek and Godzilla vs. Kong. Calligraphy classes and swimming sessions were a hit, with campers joyfully racing one another on water slides. Junior 2 boys practiced their modern dance moves while the girls perfected their traditional fan dance, both groups enthusiastically preparing for their parody skit, “The Adventures of Harry Breader,” a hilarious twist on the Harry Potter series. The seniors dove into a variety of board games like Chinese checkers, UNO, and Monopoly Deal, while also honing their table tennis and badminton skills. Their dedication to their dance routines shone through as they prepared for their skit with immense excitement.

All groups experienced the thrill of kung fu for the first time under the expert guidance of 老师 Will, mastering new skills and techniques. The campers also bonded over baking sessions, crafting delicious chocolate chip cranberry cookies, and attending a weekly health class led by Eastern Michigan University, where they learned about food safety. As the camp heads into week 3, the enthusiasm is palpable, with all campers eagerly looking forward to more adventures, deeper friendships, and perfecting their performances for the grand finale!

第二周的美华文化夏令营充满了令人兴奋的活动,让小朋友们兴奋不已!与来自Madison Heights的小朋友一起参与了两次充满欢乐的郊游。第一次郊游在St. Clair 水上公园渡过了难忘的一天,滑水道上竞速比赛还有穿越障碍赛道,让小朋友们乐不思蜀。第二次前往美华华人社区中心的旅行同样令人愉快,摘黄瓜、充气城堡都给孩子们带来了无尽乐趣。少年组在学习歌曲《童年》和用中文跳《All In This Together》的舞蹈后,以满满的活力开启了这一周,为期末表演做准备。



Written by Kylie Chon and translated by Isabella Zhang

Edited by ACA Staff

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