ACA Youth Cultural Summer Camp 2024 (Week 3)

It’s hard to believe we’re already in the third week, and what a week it’s been! Our campers embarked on an unforgettable adventure to Domino’s Farms petting zoo, where they delighted in feeding and interacting with an array of animals, from cows and tabby cats to pigs. The fun didn’t stop there! Our youth group dived into a whirlwind of games, including the ever-popular Four Corners, and began mastering their second dance for the highly anticipated end-of-camp performance. Their creativity soared with a vibrant popsicle craft using pom-poms and tissue paper, adding a splash of color to their day. Meanwhile, calligraphy sessions turned into a lively Chinese character game, making learning a blast.

Junior 1 had an action-packed week filled with laughter and creativity. They filmed additional scenes for their skit, crafted props from paper, and enjoyed exhilarating outdoor games like tag and yoyo. The artistic spirit was alive as they painted Chinese characters on bookmarks and danced to catchy Chinese tunes like “黑桃A” and “元日” in the classroom. Not to be outdone, Junior 2 engaged in thrilling volleyball and basketball games with fellow campers and counselors. Their skit, “The Adventure of Harry Breader,” is shaping up wonderfully, and their Chinese yoyo skills are reaching new heights in preparation for their performance.

Our senior group made memories that will last a lifetime, from playing card games and sharing cookies to savoring boba with their counselors. They adopted a stuffed cow from the petting zoo, naming it Ferdinand, and made it their cherished mascot. Decorating Chinese bookmarks was a highlight, showcasing their artistic talents. All campers participated in the weekly cooking class, creating delicious pizzas, and attended a health class to learn about maintaining a balanced diet. The junior and senior girls and boys also practiced their traditional Chinese dances and songs, “童年” and “唇上.” As we approach the final week of camp, the excitement is palpable for the end-of-camp performance, where we will proudly showcase all the incredible skills and talents our campers have honed over the past few weeks!


小班 1组 度过了充满欢笑和创造力的一周。他们为他们的小品拍摄了额外的场景,用纸制作了道具,还享受了令人兴奋的户外游戏如捉迷藏和悠悠球。艺术精神在他们身上焕发光彩,他们在书签上绘制汉字,并在教室里随着动感的中文歌曲如《黑桃A》和《元日》起舞。不甘示弱,小班2 组参加了激动人心的排球和篮球比赛,与其他营员和辅导员一起享受运动的乐趣。他们的小品《哈利·面包冒险记》正在顺利进行,他们的悠悠球技能也在为表演做准备中不断提高。

我们的大班组创造了终生难忘的回忆,从玩纸牌游戏和分享饼干到与辅导员一起品尝波霸奶茶。他们从宠物动物园领养了一只填充绒毛奶牛,命名为费迪南,并将其作为他们珍爱的夏令营吉祥物。装饰中文书签成为了一大亮点,展示了他们的艺术才华。所有营员都参加了每周的烹饪课,制作美味的披萨,并参加了一堂关于保持均衡饮食的健康课。Junior 和 Senior 组的男孩女孩们也在练习传统的中国舞蹈和歌曲《童年》和《唇上》。随着我们接近夏令营的最后一周,营员们对结业表演的兴奋之情溢于言表,我们将自豪地展示过去几周中他们所磨练的所有令人难以置信的技能和才华!

Written by Kylie Chon and translated by Isabella Zhang

Edited by ACA Staff

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