ACA Youth Cultural Summer Camp 2024 (Week 4)

As we conclude the Summer 2024 ACA camp, we’re overjoyed to reflect on the incredible experiences and unforgettable memories we’ve created. This summer was packed with thrilling activities, valuable learning moments, and the joy of forming new friendships. The youth group had an amazing time perfecting their dancing skills for the closing ceremony, which was an absolute hit. They also had a blast making personal puppets and crafting dragons in honor of this year’s zodiac.

Junior 1 wrapped up their lively final week with outdoor play and creating habitats to collect rollie pollies. They celebrated the completion of their skit with a fun mini party and practiced calligraphy by writing their Chinese names on bookmarks. Junior 2 worked tirelessly on their skit, “The Adventure of Harry Breader,” and honed their volleyball skills through engaging games. The kids formed their own communities within J2B, J2Girls, and J2, fostering a strong sense of teamwork and camaraderie.

The senior group had a blast filming their skit, “The Emperor’s Demise,” and enjoyed presenting it to their friends and parents. They focused on improving their wushu and badminton skills, experimented with different birdies, and played their favorite card game, Monopoly Deal. To cap off the final week, we baked delicious red bean pastries, attended a health class on the importance of milk, and performed for parents at the closing ceremony. Each camper received a personalized paper plate award created by our dedicated counselors. We hope everyone enjoyed the closing ceremony as much as we did! While we are sad to see this year come to an end, we are already excited for next summer and the chance to create more wonderful memories together. We look forward to seeing everyone then!



大班组组则在拍摄他们的小品《皇帝的覆灭》时度过了愉快的时光,并兴奋地向朋友和家长展示他们的作品。他们专注于提高武术和羽毛球技能,尝试了不同的羽毛球,并玩了他们最喜欢的纸牌游戏《Monopoly Deal》。在最后一周的高潮,我们烤了美味的红豆酥,参加了一堂关于牛奶重要性的健康课,并在闭幕式上为家长们表演。每个营员都收到了我们敬业的辅导员们制作的个性化纸盘奖牌。我们希望大家和我们一样享受闭幕式!虽然我们对今年的结束感到依依不舍,但我们已经期待明年夏天,期待一起创造更多美好的回忆。期待明年再见到大家!

Written by Kylie Chon and translated by Isabella Zhang
Edited by ACA Staff

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