

Consider helping us make a positive difference in serving the Asian American community. Contribute today!

Your donations are tax-deductible as the Association of Chinese Americans, Inc. (ACA) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Your contributions will ensure ACA can continue to provide high-quality services and programs, acting out its mission to advance the well-being of Asian Americans. We need you! There are THREE ways to donate


Method 1

Donate by PayPal

Method 2

Donate by Quickpay: easy Online payment instructions as follow:

1. Access your online bank account.
2. Locate Email Payment option.
3. Pay to

Recipient name: Association of Chinese Americans
Memo: “Your Name” Donation

Method 3

Donate by check. If so, you can send your check to:

Association of Chinese Americans
Attn: Donation
32585 Concord Drive
Madison Heights, MI 48071
(Memo: “Your Name” Donation)

Thank you for your support


Please also learn how the following programs and resources help support Association of Chinese Americans, Inc.

1. ACA AmazonSmile:

You can contribute through your Amazon purchases.

Visit to add us as your organization to support.

Kroger Community Rewards

Register ACA on your Kroger Plus Card online by signing in and registering ACA with our
NPO #: CC848 or searching “Association of Chinese Americans.

After you’re registered, simply shop at Kroger and a portion of every dollar you spend will be donated to ACA!  Register here to create an account and start giving back to the community!

*Each April you must re-enroll online to remain eligible.