100 Citizenship Questions Online Class

100 Citizenship Questions online Class 公民入籍100题线上课程 Course Outline 课程大纲:  Part 1: Introduction and Government 簡介和政府 (3 Hours) Part 2: History […]

Workplace Health and Safety during COVID-19 Workshop

Workplace Health and Safety during COVID-19 新冠疫情期间工作场所的健康与安全 What we need to know...我们需要知道什么 Latest Executive Order on health and safety issues […]

100 Citizenship Questions Online Class

100 Citizenship Questions online Class 公民入籍100题线上课程 Course Outline 课程大纲:  Part 1: Introduction and Government 簡介和政府 (3 Hours) Part 2: History […]

Fitness Dance

Web Zoom , United States

Fitness Dance  Time 时间:July 06, 2020 / 10:00 AM- 12:00 PM Instructor老师: Yuk-fan Pan Zoom Meeting ID: 822 7033 3602 […]

2020 ACA Virtual Youth Cultural Summer Camp

2020 ACA Virtual Youth Cultural Summer Camp  Welcome to the ACA Youth Cultural Summer Camp!   The ACA Youth Cultural Summer […]

B3 Leadership Summit Speaker Team

Web Zoom , United States

Click here to download the flyer B3 Leadership Summit Speaker Team Thought-starter Speaker May Chen, Ph.D. Associate Professor, Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, […]

B3 Leadership Summit

Web Zoom , United States

Click here to download the flyer B3 Leadership Summit  “Crisis, Challenges, and Change – Creating a Path to a New Normal” Madison […]

Chinese Medicine Workshop

Web Zoom , United States

Chinese Medicine Workshop 冬病夏治 Winter disease can be treated in summer which is the special therapy of traditional Chinese medicine. 中医角度如何提升免疫力  […]

Conversation with Canton Supervisor

Web Zoom , United States

Conversation with Canton Supervisor Patrick Williams 1. Update on COVID-19 cases in Canton 2. How the reopening is going in the […]

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