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车城長者公寓华人中秋联欢会 | ACA & Detroit Senior Apartments: Virtual Moon Festival Celebration
September 10, 2022 @ 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
- 本活动于9月10日晚上7:00正式于ZOOM开始,ZOOM会场6:45即可入场。
- 无需提前报名注册,只需输入zoom号:872 8748 7788和密码: 09 10 22。
- 或点击此链接加入:https://bit.ly/3Tj4t0J
ACA and the six senior apartments in Michigan invite you to join our virtual Moon Festival celebration on zoom!
- Join Zoom Meeting:
https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87287487788?pwd=OU1RZXpxUi91QS9NTUxrZVZ6R1Yrdz09 - Meeting ID: 872 8748 7788
- Passcode: 091022
- Join Zoom Meeting: