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ACA Virtual Parent Child Education and Care Program

September 17, 2020 @ 7:00 pm - November 20, 2020 @ 7:00 pm

ACA Virtual Parent Child Education and Care Program


The Association of Chinese Americans, Inc. (ACA) is proud to present its virtual parent child (ages 3-13) education and care program for the fall of 2020. The goal of this program is to address family and young child education needs which were exacerbated by the pandemic. The program will consist of three components:

美华协会新冠关怀计划之亲子教育和关爱计划即将上线。该计划的服务对象为家长和3岁到13岁的孩子,主要内容分为家长朋友准备的育儿教育班;为3 – 5岁孩子们特别开设幼儿班;及少儿阅读项目三个部分,旨在新冠疫情期间,协助家庭及儿童教育需求。

Registration Deadline报名截止日期:Wednesday, September 16, 2020 11:59 PM EDT.


  • Parent Education: The classes will focus on various lessons to enhance parenting skills and foster positive relationships between the children and parents. These classes will be offered weekly starting with the first class on Thursday, September 17. Our first topic will be an Introduction to Parenting and Various Parenting Styles hosted by Maechi Chue, Counseling Specialist, Ph.D., Licensed Professional Counselor. If you are interested in, you can register at http://bit.ly/ACAParentingEd2020 until Wednesday, September 16, 2020 11:59 PM EDT.

该课程每周为家长朋友准备的免费育儿教育课,将集中不同话题,帮助家长朋友了解育儿知识,提升亲子教育的技能,并促进孩子和父母之间的积极关系。育儿教育班将于9月17日开始,第一期将请到宋梅琦博士带大家了解相关育儿知识,并介绍各种育儿方式。 报名链接: http://bit.ly/ACAParentingEd2020

  • Children’s Activity: Our Children’s Activity is a 8-week program for 3-5 year-old kids. We will have a number of different recreational activities, such as story time and crafts designed by child care professional, Trista Chen. For our first activity on September 24, it will incorporate understanding of our virtual classroom and other interactive activities, such as reading, singing and estimation jar. If you are interested in, you can register at http://bit.ly/ACAChildren2020 until Wednesday, September 16, 2020 11:59 PM EDT.

为3 – 5岁孩子们特别开设幼儿班,提供的免费的8周线上课程和娱乐活动,包括手工制作,唱儿歌,做游戏,故事时间,自然知识介绍等等,以丰富孩子们的生活。所有课程育儿专家 Trista Chen精心设计,幼儿活动课将于9月24日开始,第一节课内容主要包括唱儿歌,做游戏, 认识了解自然。报名链接:http://bit.ly/ACAChildren2020

  • Reading Program: We will have an eight-week reading program with weekly check in meetings beginning on Monday, September 21, 2020 and concluding on Sunday, November 15, 2020. Following the program, we will host a virtual celebration for all of our participants on Friday, November 20, 2020. We will provide a reading list for each of the participants with a recommended list of books and topics may include Asian American History, civic engagement, and many more. Additionally, we will invite special guest speakers to speak about some of these topics covered. If you are interested in, you can register at https://bit.ly/ACAReading2020 until Wednesday, September 16, 2020 11:59 PM EDT. 

少儿阅读项目将在9月21日至11月15日进行,一共为期八周。我们将为每一位参与者提供必读书单和推荐书单,这些书本主题丰富,将涵盖不同话题。除了自然科学人文类书籍,我们还将特别加入包括亚裔历史,种族,公民参与等相关话题的书籍。阅读计划的参与者们互相打卡监督,并和美华协会的高中生志愿者和大学生实习生们一起通过每周的线上交流会,来分享自己所学所感。届时也会邀请亚裔作家及人文历史专家参加客串带领,美华协会希望通过此次的阅读项目,让更多的孩子参与进来,学习了解课堂之外的知识,培养阅读兴趣。让阅读成为一种习惯,让阅读的力量一直陪伴成长。报名链接:  https://bit.ly/ACAReading2020




September 17, 2020 @ 7:00 pm
November 20, 2020 @ 7:00 pm


United States


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