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Fundraising Concert and Donor Appreciation Reception

December 8, 2018 @ 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Charity Fundraising Concert by Wang Jie and Zhang Jinsheng at Madison Heights Lamphere High School on Saturday, December 8th 

The local well-known American singers Wang Jie and Zhang Jinsheng’s fundraising concert will be held at the Madison Heights Lamphere High School on Saturday evening, December 8. Music lovers are welcome to purchase tickets for the general price of $15, VIP $30 and Patron $100. Anyone who purchases a VIP or Patron ticket will be invited to a reception before the event.
All the proceeds from this concert fundraising will be donated to support the Chinese Community Center Capital Campaign toward center facility Maintenance and Repair. 

    Ticket: General $ 15/, VIP $ 30, Patron $ 100

    When: December 8th, 2018 7PM to 9PM

    Where: Lamphere High School Concert Hall (610 W 13 Mile Road, Madison Heights, MI)

    Programs info: 男高音女高音二重唱, 独舞, 成人舞, 合唱, 女声独唱, 京剧, 儿童舞, 儿童合唱

— Register Today! 


Event Background:

Residing in Detroit for more than 20 years, Wang Jie and Mr. Zhang Jinsheng personally experienced and witnessed the various charity events the Association of Chinese Americans has launched for the community to benefit its local residents and Chinese American and Asian American community.
For more than 20 years, ACA has provided a variety of services to local seniors, children and families in the community, and organized numerous wonderful events, big or small to promote and shape a healthier community. Entertainment and enrichment for the life of the senior have been served for more than a decade. Choirs, dance, health care, visas, libraries, Chinese food competitions, and love gardens have greatly facilitated the life of the Chinese Americans and enriched their spiritual world. Free lectures on various projects, medical insurance and free consultation have been able to far lessen the inconveniences of all kinds of barriers of the new immigrants to the United States. All of the time, ACA’s certified and licensed professionals embrace a client-oriented attitude to timely help out any misconception.

The existence of ACA, especially the service to its senior, has provided a warm and inviting home to the seniors in the Greater Detroit area and the elders who came to the United States to visit their relatives.

To build up a strong next generation, ACA is also the first of all. Annual summer camp and a platform for our second generation of Chinese to learn the culture of the native were developed. ACA becomes a fertile ground for the second generation of Chinese to socialize and grow together. Learning Chinese culture, Chinese dance, painting, Chinese martial arts, etc. we ACA helps to pass on the fire of Chinese culture of generations to the second, the third of Chinese Americans so these youth can speak out proudly that they are American born Chinese! 

With the help of all kinds of youth actives like summer camps and children’s programs, we ACA helped them form a positive cultural perspective of Who I am with dignity to our race and full respect to other nationalities that live here in United States. From small scale of Chinese writing practices or Chinese cooking learning programs to the big group projects such as leadership development, Asian social circle establishment, all of which transform the Chinese second generation from the stereotype of work hard students only to humorous, self-confident and worthy of respect Chinese Americans with bigger hearts. At the same time, as a parent, ACA’s efforts on building up youth lead to a side effect, that is, parents of those participates have the opportunities to be liberated from the busy working life to foster a pleasant family moment sharing time. All of the services and platforms provided and built by ACA are trusted by parents who take ACA as their children’s reassuring home. For example, ACA partnered with well-known large companies like Comcast to provide computer program training and scholarship programs for enrolled students, especially those from low-income homes, so their future success possibilities were definitely increased!

Back to the year of 2003, thanks to Mason and Grace Yu and many other donors for their love of American community, Chinese Community Center was created by the Association of Chinese American. Therefore, ACA can keep up the beautiful traditions to serve the community as before and even enlarge its extended services to greater and farther areas for another decade.

However in recent years, for lack of adequate funds, the center is regular maintenance and necessary repairs have been delayed for a long time. Many areas such as the improvement of the kitchen and community space, and parking lots are in urgent need of repair. ACA has launched several fundraising events and has received support from many donors. As we all observe, the Chinese Community Center building renovation is a huge labor and material intensive project and substantial funds are needed to be raised along with the ongoing renovation process. Therefore, by following the example of Mason and Grace Yu, Wang Jie and Zhang Jinsheng dedicated to work with many music-lover friends and initiate a charity fundraising concert with their professional areas. The donations from the concert will be employed toward the repair and maintenances of ACA Chinese Community Center at Madison Heights and other projects of the ACA. Let us hope that this concert will also be supported by other people who love music and are passionate in the community care and ACA !

Chinese Community Center Capital Campaign Update Report

It has been 10 months since the beginning of this year’s ACA Chinese Community Center Capital Campaign. ACA has received funding from sincere supporters and has started some maintenances and repairs. The details of the funds and usage are now announced as follows.

As of September 30, 2018, ACA received a total of $39,425 designated to this capital campaign from all parties. The parking lot repair and maintenance has been carried out and completed earlier this year, for a total cost of $64,786. The current funding gap for repairing parking lots is known to be $25,343. As projected, about $8,000 will be needed to repair and update the parking lot lighting system. Future medium-and long-term maintenance projects include but not limited to updating the handicap access for the entrance and exit, maintenance and repair of restrooms, renovation of the kitchen and warehouse area, and repainting of the interior and exterior walls.

The specific incoming funds and use details can be inquired and obtained through ACA. Once again, Association of Chinese Americans wants to say a BIG THANK YOU to all of those who supported us with funds and/or time and efforts in the past and those will generously contribute in the future for ACA to keep promoting a healthier community!

(请往下看中文版本/For Chinese info, scroll down)

128日周六晚上汪洁和张金生夫妇将在Madison Heights Lamphere High School举行慈善筹款音乐会

本地知名美声歌唱家汪洁与张金生夫妇慈善音乐会将于128日周六晚Madison Heights Lamphere High School音乐厅举行。欢迎音乐爱好者们购票参加,票价分别为General $15/VIP $30/Patron $100。凡购买VIP或是Patron门票者,将受邀参加当日活动前举办的招待会。

时间:128 7 pm – 9 pm
地点:Lamphere High School 音乐厅
610 W 13 Mile Road, Madison Heights, Michigan
门票:General $ 15/VIP $ 30/Patron $ 100

“font-weight: 400;”>Comcast之类的知名大企业合作为华人儿童,尤其低收入儿童提供给的各种培训,奖学金项目,都在为华人儿童们提供各种各样成功的可能!

感谢Mason & Grace Yu夫妇等众多热心人士13年前献爱心为美华捐献了美华协会华人活动中心。使美华协会延续数十年服务社区的美好传统,并将服务升华拓展,默默地在大底特律区域数十年如一日地为华人无私地奉献着。


近年来由于经费缺乏、长年失修。华人活动中心地建筑和停车场等许多方面急需修善。美华协会已经发动了多次募捐活动,得到许多热心人士的支持。可是,美华协会建筑修缮工程浩大,急需更多资金。因此,汪洁与张金生夫妇决定效仿Mason & Grace Yu夫妇,携众多爱好音乐的好友,用他们的特长与爱好,举行一场慈善筹款音乐会。将此次音乐会所有筹得捐赠与美华协会用于美华协会华人活动中心的中心修缮维护,希望此次音乐会也能得到其他热爱音乐,同时热心社区,关爱美华的人士的支持!








December 8, 2018
5:00 pm - 9:00 pm


Lamphere High School
610 w 13 Mile Rd, Madison Heights, MI 48071, United States


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