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Garden Symphony – The Memorial Art Exhibition of Rui-shia Sung

August 21, 2021 @ 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm


Garden Symphony – The Memorial Art Exhibition of Rui-shia Sung

The Association of Chinese Americans, Inc. (ACA) is committed to uplifting local artists, and we will be hosting Garden Symphony – The Memorial Art Exhibition of Rui-shia Sung – from 1pm to 5pm on 8/21 and 8/22. The exhibition, which is part of our 2021 Culture and Arts Program Series, will be open to anyone interested in Chinese and Western painting, and all paintings displayed at the exhibit will be available for sale. 

Please visit http://photos.ruishia.com/GalleryThumbnails.aspx?gallery=4892188 for artwork preview.

Ms. Rui-shia Sung studied painting intermittently for almost four years with masters such as Yung hsiang Wu, Chung-lin Yu, and Ho-nien Au in her early years. From semi-abstract flowers to figurative insects, birds, fish and butterflies, her colorful ink expressions are lively and vigorous. Her paintings reflect her unique perspective on the details of mother nature and the foundation and integration of Chinese and Western cultures. 

Ms. Rui-shia Sung was a valued supporter of ACA before she passed away in 2011. She helped with the ACA Chinese Community Center fundraising event when the building was first open to the public in 2005. She served on the judge panel for the ACA Art Contest sponsored by Chase Bank in 2007. Her family has generously committed to donating half of the proceeds from the sale of the paintings in this commemorative exhibition to ACA. We are grateful for their continued support of our organization. 

The exhibition address is 28289 Golf Pointe Blvd., Farmington Hills, MI 48331. There is no charge for admission. If you have any questions, please contact the ACA Office at 248.585.9343 / 313.831.1790 or check on ACA website

密西根美華協會致力於推廣本地藝術家,將於8/21-8/22下午一點到五點舉辦2021文化藝術系列活動之“花團錦簇 ,鳥語蟲鳴 – 宋瑞霞紀念畫展”。歡迎所有對中西畫藝術有興趣的朋友前來欣賞,購 畫。

参訪全部作品網站: http://photos.ruishia.com/GalleryThumbnails.aspx?gallery=4892188

宋瑞霞女士(卒于2011)早年師承吳詠香,喻仲林,歐豪年等大師斷續學習中國繪畫達四 年之久,從半抽象花卉到具象的蟲鳥魚蝶,其色彩豐富的水墨表達,活潑絢爛而有生命力 ,作品中處處體現她對大自然事物獨特而又巨細靡遺的觀察視角和中西文化共融的藝術底 蘊。 

美華協會感念宋瑞霞女士生前即大力支持美華協會,包括2005年為美華中心剛開幕時候籌 款,以及2007年為美華繪畫比賽西畫組擔任評審。美華協會感謝其家人將本次紀念畫展的 畫作售出收益的一半捐獻給美華協會。 

本次畫展不收入場門票,展出地址是 28289 Golf Pointe Blvd., Farmington Hills, MI 48331.有問題請洽詢美華協會248.585.9343 / 313.831.1790 或是美華協會官網站.


August 21, 2021
1:00 pm - 5:00 pm


Garden Symphony – 1
28289 Golf Pointe Blvd.
Farmington Hills, MI 48331


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