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Mother’s Day Outing– 母亲节出游
May 8, 2019 @ 12:00 am
Mother’s Day Outing
Location: Holland Tulip Time & Frederick Meijer Gardens & Fish Ladder Park
Date: Wednesday, May 8
Fee: Mother & Children $88, all others $98, including transportation, admission, buffet lunch, light snacks and water, and ACA bilingual services
Departure time: The final departure time may change depending on pickup locations but regardless, 7am would be the latest to leave.
Arrival time: Around 7/8 pm.
Limited seats RSVP by April 12 to secure your seat, get tickets on Eventbrite and register on Google Form.
Contact info: 313-831-1790 / 248-585-9343 / dliou@acaccc.org (email)
地点: 荷兰村郁金香花园,弗雷德里克梅尔花园,鱼梯公园
日期: 5月8日2019年, 星期三
费用: 母亲和儿童$88,其他所有$98; 费用包括:车费, 入场卷, 午餐, 点心, 水和员工翻译服务费!
回程到达时间:约晚上8点 。
联系方式:313-831-1790 / 248-585-9343 / dliou@acaccc.org (邮箱)