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TCM Massage Class starts on Monday, June 3, 2019

June 7, 2019 @ 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

ACA will be having a class of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Massage starting from Monday, June 3 to Fri., June 28 at the Chinese Community Center(CCC) taught by Yi Zhang. Yi Zhang is an MI State licensed and insured massage therapist. She started as a medical therapist in China and has been certified since1996. After moving to the US, she studied at the massage school of Health Enrichment Center in Lapeer MI and graduated in 2000 becoming an instructor of Chinese massage and foot reflexology. She also got acupuncture diploma from Toronto School of Traditional Chinese Medicine in 2010. She has experience working at Troy Lifetime Fitness and at Detroit Lions doing therapeutic massage.

The class will have a total of 8 sessions, 2 lessons per week, Monday and Friday 1:00pm – 3:00pm and the class fee is $160. If you are interested, please register here. For any questions you can call us at 248-585-9343.

美华中心将在6月3日开设“中医按摩养生保健: 经络穴位及基本推拿手法”课!

这次难得的中医按摩养生保健课将由具有多年东西方按摩经验的张毅老师授课。 张毅老师酷爱中医, 曾向多位中医界老师学习。 早在1987年-1992年她在中国石家庄市“疑难病症诊所”工作, 跟随副主任医师董大夫学习了独特的“脏腑经络推拿“, 并于1996年获得石家庄市卫生局颁发的”中医推拿医师“证书。 1997年移民美国后,在密西根Lapeer 按摩学校(HEC)学习西方按摩,重点学习了运动按摩。 2000年毕业后成为该校的一名培训师,同时教授中医推拿及经络穴位、足底按摩。她还曾经是Troy LifeTime Fitness 和Detroit Lion的一位职业按摩师。2010年又到多伦多中医学校学习并获针灸证书。她乐意把她的中医知识和推拿技能分享给广大华人,传播中华文化,并为华人的健康保健做贡献。


  1. 中医基础理论:精气、阴阳、五行学说
  2. 任督经络及主要保健穴位推拿
  3. 肺大经络及主要保健穴位推拿
  4. 胃脾经络及主要保健穴位推拿
  5. 心小经络及主要保健穴位推拿
  6. 膀肾经络及主要保健穴位推拿
  7. 包焦经络及主要保健穴位推拿
  8. 肝胆经络及主要保健穴位推拿

课程时间: 6/3~6/28 ( 共8堂课 ), 时间是:每周一、周五, 1:00pm~3:00pm,  费用: $160。报满8人开课。欢迎有兴趣的朋友,,请在此报名。 有任何问题请打电话咨询我们:248-585-9343。


June 7, 2019
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm


Chinese Community Center
32585 Concord Drive, Madison Heights, 48071 United States


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