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The 8th Chinese Cuisine Cooking Contest– 美华协会与韦恩孔子学院联合举办第八届烹饪比赛

March 27, 2019 @ 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm

On Wednesday, March 27th, ACA and the Wayne State University Confucius Institute will be hosting a Chinese Cuisine Cooking Contest at the International Institute of Metropolitan Detroit.

This event will be open to everyone and will be a great opportunity to learn more about the different types of Chinese cuisines and Chinese food culture.

All pre-registered 4-member teams will arrive the International Institute of Metropolitan Detroit at 2:30 PM, and will enter the contest at 3PM. The competing teams will be given two hours to complete three dishes (rice/wheat, traditional Chinese cuisine, and Chinese dessert). At 5PM, our honored judges will evaluate with scores and pick the best dish based on taste, presentation, nutrition, and creativity.

The groups will not be able to do any preparation until the start of the contest except for the washing of vegetables, and the completed dishes should be able to feed 15 people. Each group will be reimbursed up to $60 for the purchase of their cooking ingredients.

The top three teams’ members will each receive a trophy and gift card (1st: $50, 2nd: $25, 3rd: $10). Our audiences will be served not just the dishes made for the competition, but also authentic Chinese food served after the competition.

Welcome to vote by tasting on site!

International Institute of Metropolitan Detroit
111 E. Kirby St., Detroit, MI 48202

*Free admission but limited street parking available.

For questions: 313-831-1790, 248-585-9343

For supporters/guests, please register through Eventbrite:


For contesters/teams, (Limited spot available so register early to secure yours to enter the contest) please use the google form link to register:


美华协会将与韦恩大学孔子学院在三月二十七 (周三)下午举办中华美食烹饪大赛,欢迎各界共襄盛举,活动地点在底特律市的底特律大都会国际学院。这项别开生面的烹饪活动以介绍中华美食文化为目的,期望将独步天下闻名世界的中华美食料理,透过趣味轻松的比赛,让中国菜成为人人能上手的亲民料理。

比赛将以团体为单位,每组四人 。比赛时间是下午三时开始,五时整评分。本次厨艺大赛有幸请来多位评委,他们将分别从营养、味觉、视觉和创意方面评选出最优秀的中华料理。

在比赛中,除了蔬菜可以事先清洗以外, 比赛所有过程必须在现场进行,不可事先预备。比赛项目分三道,指定项目是面食或米食,任何以麺或米做出的成品均可;任何传统中华料理的特色菜肴,荤素不拘但必须有主题和贴切的菜肴名称;一道中式甜点,材料现场揭秘。完成的作品的量必须可以足够提供15人用餐。每组参赛团队可以凭原始发票报销最多达$60美金的烹饪原料费用。

每道作品将会分别由评委和观众评分,总分最高的前三组获奖。奖品包括精美中式奖杯每人一座和礼卡。第一名团队每位成员可获礼卡金额每人$50,第二名团队每位成员可获礼卡金额每人$25, 第三名团队每位成员可获礼卡金额每人$10。每三道最高分的菜肴,还会得到特别的精美奖杯。美华协会也将准备丰富的中餐请在场观众品尝。




111 E Kirby St, Detroit, MI 48202

免入场费, 停车费自付


参赛网上报名: https://goo.gl/forms/oIyxD04D6v5mrB492 (报名从速,名额有限)



March 27, 2019
3:00 pm - 6:00 pm


International Institute of Metropolitan Detroit
111 East Kirby Street Detroit, MI 48202, United States


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