
All Services

Social Work Assistance
General consulting
Translation Notary
Medicaid Assitance
Affordable Care Act Assistance
Rental Venue/ Room
Small Business Consulting
The Association of Chinese Americans (ACA) offers a wide array of services aimed at enhancing community well-being and fostering cultural engagement. From educational programs and scholarships that empower youth and adults alike, to advocacy efforts that protect civil rights and promote social justice, ACA is deeply involved in uplifting its members. Additionally, ACA organizes cultural events and provides critical social services like health screenings and language assistance to ensure that community members receive the support they need to thrive.
Social Services 社会服务类

Free Programs 免费项目:

  • Medical Insurance Assistance 医疗保险援助
  • Medicare 联邦医疗保险
  • Medicaid 州补助医疗保险
  • Obamacare Benefits Application 奥巴马医疗保险福利申请
  • WIC-SPECIAL Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children 妇女,婴儿和儿童的特殊补充营养计划
  • Food Assistance Program (FAP) 粮食援助计划
  • SSI-Supplemental Security Income 补充保障收入
  • Unemployment Insurance 失业保险
  • (Medicaid)Caregiver Resource 照顾者资源
  • Counseling Service for Personal Problems 心理健康咨询
  • Consultation Service for Social Work and Health-Related Questions 看顾者心理健康 Caregiver Counseling 社工和健康相关问题的咨询

Special Programs 特别项目:

  • Small Business Support 中小企业援助计划

Charges 收费项目:

  • Social Security Benefit 退休金申请
  • Citizenship Application 公民申请
  • Green Card Renewal 绿卡更新
  • Translation and Notarization 翻译和公证 (驾照,结婚证,出生证等)
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