

【密西根州,底特律】為了幫助年輕專業人士更好地規劃職業發展路徑,密西根美華協會(ACA)與Comerica銀行強強聯手,將於2024年10月1日(星期二)下午6:30至8:30Farmington Hills的Comerica銀行Great Lake Campus(地址:36455 Corporate Dr.)舉辦一場專為年輕人才設計的職業發展研討會。此次活動不僅為職場新人提供了難得的學習和成長機會,更是一個拓展人脈、接觸行業高層的絕佳平台。

本次研討會將圍繞實用的職業技能展開,涵蓋職場禮儀、職業規劃等核心內容。參與者將有機會與Comerica銀行高級人才發展團隊直接交流,聆聽他們的成功經驗和建議,了解銀行業及其他行業的職業發展趨勢。Comerica銀行作為Comerica Incorporated的子公司,自1849年在底特律成立以來,已經在密西根州連續運營了175年,是密西根州歷史最悠久的銀行。目前,它是底特律大都會地區最大的銀行雇主,在全州擁有超過4,300名員工(全職當量)。此次研討會將讓參與者有機會與行業中最具經驗的專家互動交流,從而拓寬職業視野,提升職場競爭力。此外,活動期間還將免費提供小吃和飲品,為參與者創造輕鬆的交流環境。


  • Juan Rodriguez:執行副總裁,首席信息安全官
  • Adil Karachiwala:高級副總裁,採購和合同管理總監
  • Gary Tsiang:副總裁,激勵薪酬系統經理
  • Charlene Edwards:副總裁,人才發展經理
  • Nancy Baron:副總裁,人才發展經理
  • Ronitra Welch-Hodge:副總裁,人才發展交付經理
  • Yumin Zhang:副總裁,網絡戰略項目經理

本次研討會完全免費,但名額有限,需提前註冊報名。無論你是剛進入職場的畢業生,還是正在尋找職業新方向的年輕專業人士,這次活動都會讓你受益匪淺。現在就訪問bit.ly/ACCDS進行註冊,確保你的席位!抓住機會,為你的職業未來奠定堅實的基礎!如需更多詳情,請訪問我們的網站:www.acadetroit.org,或致電248-585-9343或者 313-831-1790 聯繫我們。



The Association of Chinese Americans (ACA) Teams Up with Comerica Bank to Host Career Development Seminar, Empowering Young Professionals on the Path to Success

The seminar will cover practical career skills, including workplace etiquette and career planning. Participants will have the opportunity to engage directly with Comerica Bank’s senior talent development executives, hearing their success stories and advice on the latest trends in banking and other industries. As a subsidiary of Comerica Incorporated, Comerica Bank has operated continuously in Michigan for 175 years since its founding in Detroit in 1849, making it the longest-serving bank in the state. It is also the largest banking employer in the Detroit metro area, with more than 4,300 employees (FTE) across Michigan. This seminar provides participants a chance to interact with some of the most experienced experts in the field, expanding their career perspectives and enhancing their competitiveness in the job market. Additionally, snacks and refreshments will be provided, creating a relaxed environment for networking.

[Detroit, Michigan] To help young professionals better plan their career development paths, the Association of Chinese Americans (ACA) is partnering with Comerica Bank to host a Career Development Seminar on Tuesday, October 1, 2024, from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM at Comerica Bank Great Lake Campus in Farmington Hills (Address: 36455 Corporate Dr.). This event is designed specifically for young professionals, offering a unique opportunity to learn and grow, as well as network with top industry executives.

The guest speakers and senior executives for this seminar include:

  • Juan Rodriguez: Executive Vice President, Chief Information Security Officer
  • Adil Karachiwala: Senior Vice President, Director of Procurement and Contract Management
  • Gary Tsiang: Vice President, Manager of Incentive Compensation Systems
  • Charlene Edwards: Vice President, Talent Development Manager
  • Nancy Baron: Vice President, Talent Development Manager
  • Ronitra Welch-Hodge: Vice President, Talent Development Delivery Manager
  • Yumin Zhang: Vice President, Network Strategy Project Manager

The seminar is completely free, but space is limited, and registration is required. Whether you’re a recent graduate entering the workforce or a young professional exploring new career directions, this event offers invaluable insights. Visit bit.ly/ACCDS to register now and secure your spot! Don’t miss this chance to lay a solid foundation for your future career! For more details, visit our website at www.acadetroit.org, or contact us at 248-585-9343 or 313-831-1790.

About the Association of Chinese Americans (ACA)

Since its founding, the Association of Chinese Americans (ACA) has been dedicated to serving the Asian American community by offering a wide range of services, including cultural promotion, educational support, health programs, and social services. Through diverse activities and programs, we strengthen community cohesion and enhance the social influence of Asian Americans. For more information, visit our website at www.acadetroit.org.

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