车城長者公寓华人中秋联欢会 | ACA & Detroit Senior Apartments: Virtual Moon Festival Celebration

  “车城公寓华人中秋联欢会”: 中秋将至,密西根美华协会诚挚邀请您,参与9月10日(周六),由美华协办、六间长者公寓主办的线上中秋联欢会! 表演内容有现代京剧、中国民俗舞蹈、旗袍秀、中国经典民谣的合唱与对唱等等。欢迎大家广邀朋友来参与同乐! 本活动于9月10日晚上7:00正式于ZOOM开始,ZOOM会场6:45即可入场。 无需提前报名注册,只需输入zoom号:872 8748 7788和密码: 09 10 22。 或点击此链接加入:https://bit.ly/3Tj4t0J     ACA and the six senior apartments in Michigan invite you to join our virtual Moon Festival […]

Deadline for the 2022 President’s Volunteer Service Award application

ACA 32585 Concord Drive, Madison Heights, MI, United States

The Association of Chinese Americans (ACA) is honored to be approved as an Official Certifying Organization for the President’s Volunteer Service Award (PVSA). The PVSA is the premier volunteer awards […]

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